domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Classroom Management and Organization

      The first day I taught English to junior high school students, I did not know if I had to talk to hem in Spanish or in English, or both at the same time. The problem was that I was very nervous because they were looking at me the entire time, end the teacher was paying attention to what I was saying, too. However in my second class, the thing changed, two or three students asked me “Teacher, do we have to make a semi circle again?” I was amazed by that attitude and question. I had taught them that routine unconsciously, but it worked because I did not need to ask them again to do a semi circle; they did it by themselves. Another important thing is that now they are getting accustomed to work in pairs and groups something that I did not see during the classroom observations. Therefore, the chapter three of the book qualities of an effective teacher has empowered me by given me some ideas about how to better my classroom management skills. In fact, before my teaching practicum finishes, I promise myself to accomplish the following objectives in the next simple but realistic action plan:
ü  I will consider myself a successful English teacher if I include more practice than theory in my lesson plans. (In my two first classes, I did not leave enough time for students to talk and practice what they were learning).
ü  I will feel proud of myself as an effective English teacher if I work on creating a positive classroom climate and then if I work academics into the content than leaping into content during the coming weeks in junior high school. (During my first week in junior high school, I did not finish my lesson plan, so I was worried about it, but then I realized that the most important thing is not to try to cover all the theory if not that students learn more effectively).
ü  I will be happy if I learn at least in an eighty percent of accuracy my students’ name in the next week.
ü  I promise myself to organize each material I will bring to teach in classes.
ü  I will establish a consistent, proactive discipline, and I will also do an appropriate use of the classroom space.
ü   I will feel proud of myself if I establish a sense of community, peer work and team work, too.
ü  I will try to make use of training, feedback, and praise whenever possible and necessary.
ü  I will encourage my students to have self-discipline, so I will be a good example for them in regards to self-discipline.
ü  I will consider myself as an effective teacher if I am able to maintain clear rules and procedures, and credibility with students through a fair and consistent implementation of discipline.

1 comentario:

  1. Elizabeth, good job!! this is right on track!! This is a beautiful action plan!! The best of luck to you!!
